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It’s that time of year when Pinterest is flooded with things like “How to Spring Clean Your House in One Day” and “Spring Cleaning Your Whole House in 3 Easy Steps”.

I scroll through, blindly pinning them all to my Home-themed board like some kind of fool, pretending that one day I’ll actually use one of them.

But we all know that’s a lie.

Read More about Why I Won’t Be Spring Cleaning This Year

Toddlers are monsters. We all know this. We don’t need another mommy blog post regaling all the ways our toddlers terrorize us on a daily basis.

What we do need is a shift in perspective. Yes, your child is going to be a deranged lunatic for at least 2 more years, but let’s look on the bright side, shall we?

Read More about 8 Benefits of Having a Terrible Toddler