I swear, y’all, I’ve been filled with Harry Potter party ideas since I was 13 years old. And finally – FINALLY – I got to put them all to good use, with a Harry Potter themed first birthday party for my last baby: The Chosen ONE!
I have to say, I’m generally pretty opposed to New Year’s resolutions – I think they tend to be too drastic and set you up for failure. But for moms, I think this one is an exception.
It’s not even so much a resolution as it is a promise for the year. For me, it’s mandatory this year – and I’m betting a lot of you mamas will agree.
The Only New Year’s Resolution moms need: BALANCE.
If you didn’t already know, this week is officially Taylor Swift week, since her new album, Lover, comes out this Friday (August 23).
I could spend all day speculating about what this new album will be about (and believe me, I have spent many precious nap times doing exactly that), but perhaps there’s a more productive way to spend these last few days before Taylor blesses us with more soundtracks to our lives. Like maybe, reviewing how her previous anthems narrate our memories?
Can I just say that going dairy-free while breastfeeding should be considered cruel and unusual punishment? If you’ve ever breastfed a baby, you know the hunger is REAL. When I’m breastfeeding, I eat like a teenage boy: constantly, abundantly, and unhealthily. All I want is sugar, snacks, and fried food. So when I found out …
When someone gives birth to a huge baby, everyone is all sympathies — “oh that poor mom” — but when someone gives birth to a tiny baby, it’s the exact opposite. The most common response I got to my 5 pound, 12 ounce pipsqueak was: “lucky you!” with a little wink. I’m not saying a …