It’s very, very easy to lose hope when you’re battling infertility. Sometimes, you just need to take a break from reading statistics and TTC forums, and read some feel-good infertility quotes instead.
There are very few benefits to suffering through IVF and infertility, in general. Like, pretty much none at all.
But, in the name of looking-on-the-bright-side, I’ve got a teeny, tiny, microscopic little benefit to share with you:
McDonald’s French Fries could increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Ya know what? I feel totally ripped off by this whole infertility thing. Yeah, yeah, the whole, years of treatments and needles and appointments and procedures and buckets upon buckets of tears thing… sure. That was pretty bad. But that’s not what I’m talking about now. I’m talking about aftermath of infertility. The part where …
Of all the tortures infertility brings – estrogen patches, clomid, metformin, twice daily stim injections, ultrasounds upon ultrasounds, daily blood draws – progesterone in oil is the ultimate torturer. The worst of the worst. The Bastard-King Joffrey.
But never fear – I’m here to help! I amassed some lifesaving tips and tricks throughout my three-month reign of PIO-terror. I won’t pretend they make the experience pleasant or completely painless, but I can guarantee they’ll make it ~less awful.~
Let’s be real for second: IVF sucks. In every way.
Sure, it’s a scientific wonder, and it’s amazing it even exists, and it’s helped thousands of people start families who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to (myself included). So, fine, it’s got that going for it.
But the worst part is, you can put yourself through all of the pain, agony, and expense of IVF, and it’s still not a guarantee.
So for me, when I went through it the first time, I researched everything — ev-er-y-thing — I could do to improve my odds. If it didn’t work, I wanted to know I’d done everything in my power to have the best odds possible.