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Unexpected Postpartum Essentials for New Moms

You probably already know the typical postpartum essentials for new moms – maxi-pads, nursing bras, numbing spray, Tylenol, etc. These are all very important items for postpartum moms, but that’s not what this list is for.

The unexpected postpartum essentials for all new moms – these are the things you wouldn't know you needed until you've lived the newborn life.

The Postpartum Essentials You Didn’t Know You Needed

These are the unexpected essentials… the things you may not think about while you’re prepping for baby’s arrival. The things you may not even know you’ll need before you’re actually living the crazy that is postpartum / newborn life. The things you only learn after doing this postpartum battle a time or two.

I’ve had two babies, and I’m due with my third in just a few weeks (YIKES!), so I can personally vouch that these were all among my favorite postpartum items during those challenging first months with a baby.

New Mom Care Package

Whenever a friend has a baby, I like to bring by a few things for the new mama. I’ve typically already gifted items for the baby at a baby shower or sprinkle, so I use the postpartum visit as a time to shower mom.

She’s a warrior, after all! She just spent nine months growing a human, and then probably multiple days ejecting it from her own body. Her organs have been rearranged, her hormones have been wrecked, and some part of her body was most likely sliced and diced at some point.

On top of all that, she probably hasn’t slept more than a few hours since all of that. If ever there was a time to dote on and spoil a woman, it’s the 4th trimester postpartum time period.

So, if you’re a thoughtful friend, looking for ideas for a postpartum care kit, you’ve come to the right place! Any new mom would love a care package with these items. Plus, you won’t be bringing her the same ol’ blankets and socks for the baby that everyone else has probably been dropping off.

10 Unexpected Postpartum Essentials for New Moms

What unexpected postpartum essentials surprised you after having your baby? Share them with all the moms-to-be in the comments!

The unexpected postpartum essentials for all new moms – these are the things you wouldn't know you needed until you've lived the newborn life.