‘Tis the season for gift guides! We are in the home stretch for gift-buying, with about three weeks to go until both Christmas and Hanukkah. So if you haven’t started shopping yet (lookin’ at you, dads everywhere), consider this your wake-up call: GET. IT. IN. GEAR. With that, I give you 10 things the hangry …
My baby is about to turn one, which means I’ve been doing a lot of reminiscing and reflecting on those precious (terrifying/exhausting/horrific) newborn days. And upon reflection, I feel strongly that new moms and soon-to-be new moms of the world need to hear a message that I didn’t hear in time:
Apparently, when you have a baby, the Halloween pressure is kicked up a notch or 10. Starting in like July, everyone wants to know what your baby is going to be for Halloween. (Other than a total buzzkill who requires you to be home at 7pm.) He can’t trick or treat or even eat candy yet, so really a baby at this age only serves one of three purposes on Halloween:
You’ve probably heard it all before: all the amazing and wonderful (and condescending) ways you’ll grow when you have a baby. The new light that will shine upon you, brightening your whole world with a new bounty of knowledge and love only known to those who’ve been graced with the title of “mom” or “dad”.
There’s so much wrong with that, I can’t even begin to cover it, but one thing that’s on-point is that you will learn a lot from your little bundle of poop and spit up. It just may not be the ethereal sense of enlightenment you expected. In my (very limited) experience as a parent, these are just a few of the very important things I’ve learned:
Why yes, kind stranger who drew the short straw sitting next to me on the train, that odor you’re smelling is me. I see you covertly trying to sniff around and identify that odd stench, in hopes of distancing yourself from it. Sorry boutcha, looks like you’re stuck with it for the next 45 minutes.
It’s not my fault, though.